Kadie's home from her 18-month mission to Ukraine! My flight arrived in SLC an hour before her's, so I waited in the terminal and got to surprise her (although I should have done it a little differently and REALLY got her good...next time).
Scott came up a couple days later since he had class.
She gave an EXCELLENT talk on Sunday and then we got together with the fam afterwards for food.
She got us some souvenirs:
I can't help but think of Nacho: This man lived a good life. He had a wonderful woman, a lush garden...and a collection of Russian nesting dolls.
Ours are Ukrainian though:)
Emm had a recital...she did great!
Mom did a good job accompanying too (for multiple people).
Sorry for the blurry-ness.
AND, we got to have a family reunion the same weekend!
Grandma took us around Cache Valley to see significant sites: this is the house in Hyde Park where she was born and grew up.
The guy currently living here didn't really know why a big group of people came to check out his living space...he ended up leaving...and yes, it was a little awkward!
We got to hear some temple stories of our ancestors and Grandma's dad worked at the temple for many years and we got to hear about that too. Neat-O!
Grandma with her oldest and youngest grandchildren (Brian is 30-something and Mason is 3--that's what happens when you have 10 kids).
Boys will be boys...
And of course, the waterslide.
And just a little random note: the parentals got this from a friend and will use it at the cornmaze this October. Until then, they were trying to scare everyone;)
Great post. Welcome home to your sis! I'm glad you got to go see her (and be the FIRST one to see her, that's cool). Wow, that bear is intense! It will be awesome at the cornmaze.