Tuesday, January 25, 2011


'Wicked,' the musical, came to Tucson and we got to go!!

We sat near the back, but we could still see:)

You can kinda see the poster in the background...

January 6th - Día de Reyes

Celebrating the 3 Kings Day, which is celebrated in Mexico. We love to eat our Rosca de Reyes! It's yummy Mexican sweet bread.

There's a figurine hidden inside (supposed to be the Baby Jesus)...the person who finds it has to make tamales and host a party on February 2nd.
Scott got it!!! We'll see what he makes me in February:)

Monday, January 10, 2011

The White Wellsville:)

It actually feels a little like December when it's white outside!!

Kadie the Sister Missionary!
She leaves this week to go to the MTC and we got to attend her farewell...or whatever they are called these days!
Watch out Ukraine! Kadie's comin'!

--After a couple months or so in Provo.

I made her a little book with our immediate family's pics (so she doesn't forget us) and our favorite scriptures and words of advice that we thought would help her. Good luck girl!

BELATED CHRISTMAS--The Mystery Gifts (that everyone guessed correctly who had them...that's never happened before). Thanks Mom & Riley for the gifts!

Kadie had her organ recital in the Logan Tabernacle. She did a great job! It was beautiful music!

We also got to go to the temple: Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, Kadie, Scott, & Kelsey.

We found a little time to go to Scott's old work for a tennis match:) Poor Scott...with his current job they don't have a really nice break room and competitive coworkers to play against.

We helped shovel snow since it snowed a few inches while we were there. We decided to have a little bit of fun after we finished...about midnight.

Friday, January 7, 2011

~Christmas Fun in St. George~

Christmas Time means Family Time! We were excited to see everyone! Here are the events of the Tew Fam:

Bringin' A Little Clark Tradition to the Tews With Some Nativity acting:)

Next: White Elephant Party!

And Ya Gotta Have Some B-Ball

And of Course Santa Clause!

A Tacky Sweater Get-Together

Dressing Up Like Fancy Nancy--Even When You're Not Sure Who She Is;)

Winning Ginger Bread-Men Contests (Well just Kelsey and Mark). The old lady with a sweater was a big hit and won the 'Most Likely to be Successful' prize.

Seeing the Virgin River overflowing--definitely not the norm!

Participating in Cameron's baby blessing

Gaming it up

And Having Fun Just Being Together!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Scott's 1st Triathlon!!! 12/11/10

Scott finished with his fastest ever record time of 1 hour, 20 minutes, and 33 seconds!

He swam 400 meters.

He biked 12.4 miles (although it was a little bit longer due to biking in and out of the parking lot).

He ran a 5k (3.1 miles).

Good job Scott! We're excited to see some more in the future!

Christmas at the Mesa Temple

It's not Temple Square, but it was fun having a little twist of desert. We did have to wear jackets the night we went:)

Grapefruit in December...that's right! I do miss having a white winter. It's weird listening to my Christmas music and looking out the window and it's almost 80 degrees. Oh well. I do love being able to go outside all year round!