Saturday, March 14, 2015

Tid Bits

Josie loves to be chased and to chase. It's so fun to watch :) She has some serious get-up when she wants to move fast!

Josie and I got to go with my friend, Jenn, to where she works. She works at a ranch with troubled boys and is a horse trainer. Josie really liked the horses from a distance, but not too close :)

My Birthday

Another birthday! It came on a Saturday, which proved to be very nice and relaxing. We got to go on a family jog, grocery shopping, and had a movie and ice cream date-night. It was great! Scott made me a big cookie instead of a cake since I'm not a big cake person. It was a lovely day! Thanks to all those who got me gifts and that were sure to wish me a happy birthday!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

It's Been Awhile...

Wow, life is crazy! But I'm trying to get back in the swing of things and start blogging again. Josie is almost ten months old now! Scott and I are busy with church callings and just busy in general, but life is very good and we feel (and are) extremely blessed.

Tidbits about Josie:
~ she's crawling all over the place
~ her favorite places to play are in the kitchen standing with the step stool and in the living room in between the couch and ottoman. She loves to stand up while holding her favorite doll and can do that and be content for quite some time.
~ she's a very good eater :)
~ she breathes really loud when she's crawling...we always know where she's at and where she's going
~ she got a bike seat for Christmas and we have been enjoying awesome weather here in the AZ with lots of bike rides
~ she rarely smiles at people she doesn't know...everyone at church thinks she is extremely serious and for some, it has turned into a game to try to get a smile out of her
~ she's a people-watcher and is always trying to see what is going on