Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Memphis, TN

September 13-25 ( For Scott anyway)

Scott had a training in Memphis for 2 weeks, so we turned it into a mini vacation. I visited him for a weekend and then spent the rest of my time with the fam instead of being all lonesome

The Mississippi River

We ate at the famous Rendezvous Restaurant and Corky's Barbeque. Ribs sure are a big deal here.

Beale Street

The Spray Painting Artist on Beale Street

We did a session in the Memphis, TN temple

We saw the Civil Rights Museum. This motel, where Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated, was made into the museum.

We didn't actually go into Graceland, but we saw Elvis's jets and got our picture by the sign:)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Our Grand Canyon Visit

On our way home from the Tew family reunion in St. George, we took the long way home and saw the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.

Scott's Birthday: September 4th

Lesson Learned: Always go bowling on your birthday for good luck:)