Monday, December 6, 2010

Running Straight for 1 Hour, 46 Minutes, and 59 Seconds

It has come to my attention that if I don't sign up for a race, I have little motivation to, I did another Half-Marathon in Phoenix on November 13th.

I was really nervous before the race! I'm usually not too bad. Maybe it's because I was running all by myself and didn't have siblings or my 75-year-old Grandpa running with me. Maybe Scott will run with me next time....

I was super tired by the end, but I beat my previous times!

I had to run in the snow in Wellsville during our trip. I was happy to get back to my 80 degree weather in Tucson:) Trust me, I would not have been running in snow if I didn't have a race to run!

Kamille & John's Weddin'

We visited Logan, UT to see my friend get married...isn't she cute?!

It was fun to see all of my friends. It was even cooler to see all of them in the temple. It was such a good feeling to know that we made it there (even after having to go through high school;) ) and that we're trying to live to always be able to go to the temple.

And we drove the Jetta up to Cache Vally and sold it to my fam. We decided 3 vehicles wasn't necessary for 2 people.

That car does have lots of memories:
  • The car alarm going off and I have no idea why or how to make it stop
  • Running over a squirrel with Kamille as my passenger (it made me think of that one Seinfeld epidsode...)
  • Being able to weave in and out of other cars cuz it's small
  • Being pulled over 4 times and only getting a ticket once:)
  • Scott learning how to drive stick shift
  • All the plastic falling off the seatbelt holders, under the steering wheel, and anywhere else that had plastic
Well, I hope the Clarks enjoy it:)

Scott's New Adventures of Road Biking

Tucson is known for being very bike-friendly. Scott has always wanted a road bike, and now he finally has one!

Scott is doing a sprint triathlon, December 11th, in Phoenix. It's his first one and he's excited about it. I'm very excited to be watching him instead of participating:)

A Winter Garden?

Well, we're trying:)

We planted strawberries, cilantro, broccoli, carrots, lettuce, spinach, and peas.

The peas are doing great! We're also seeing some carrots and cilantro. The lettuce and spinach never came up...we're blaming it on the ground being too hard, not our lack of a green thumb:) At least we have peas for sure!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Scott passed all 4 of the CPA exams!!!! Congratulations Scott!!!!

We went out to eat at the Cheesecake Factory to celebrate. Fortunately for all of our many fans and blog-followers we didn't take pictures of us stuffing ourselves:) It was good and we enjoyed a shared slice of blueberry cheesecake.

Scott is not yet CPA certified, as he needs to take 2 more classes, but the hard part is now over!!!!

Our Latest Purchase: A Toyota Tacoma

We thought it was time to upgrade from our 1997 and 1998 cars for something with a few less we found ourselves a truck!

We bought it from an older couple who are still in their prime--only 82 and 86 years old!! Needless to say, they kept very good care of this truck (he even gave us all the receipts of when the oil was changed) and only drove it 18,000 miles, rounding up of course.

Look at that manly man! Now he can haul stuff!

The tires are a bit wimpy, but we'll upgrade when they wear out:)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Scott's Special Day--Sept. 4th

Scott just got done taking his last CPA exam the week before his birthday and wanted a relaxing Big Day. So that's what he got!
And a photo scavenger hunt of 25 things that he needed to get done for his 25th birthday. Some of those included:
Breakfast in Bed--With muffins from Costco(mmmmm...) and some homemade too.
A receipt for 25 cents worth of gas.
1:40--The time Scott was born.
Getting something from a 25 cent machine (except now they're 50 cents)--Now I know that I don't prefer Scott with a blonde mustache:)
Frying bananas.
In front of the Indian Restaurant where Scott wanted to eat.
Having your spouse pick out an outfit from a thrift store--and having to wear it.
Blowing out 25 candles.
Kissing in the sunset (we had to pull off the side of the road to get it!) 
Opening Presents.

It was a fun day! Happy Quarter of a Century Scott!!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Anniversary #2!!!

Scott took his 3rd test of the CPA Thursday morning. We left right when he was done to go on a little temple trip to celebrate our two whole years together.

The Snowflake, AZ we've been to all 3 Arizona temples!

THE PETRIFIED FOREST - A quick side attraction full of petrified wood

Since we were up so far, we decided to drive another 4 hours and go to a session in the Albuquerque, NM Temple to be able to add to our temple scrap-book.

After our temple fun, we planned some camping. Who knew the hurricane storm along the coast of Texas would cause huge thunder and lightning storms in NM right where we were camping??? As soon as we had our tent set up, it started to rain...hard.

It was kinda fun to watch the lightning and hear the thunder so close. It was kinda scary at the same time. But then it was raining so hard, that water started coming in the bottom sides of the tent where the rain fly didn't cover. As soon as it stopped raining, we moved all our things in the car so they wouldn't get wet and figured we'd be alright on our blow-up mattress even with a little water in the tent.
Then it started raining again. Water was still comin' in! Then it finally stopped after drenching our tent. Scott sat up and his sleeping bag zipper must have caught on the mattress because it popped! We tried to patch it, but apparently we didn't quite get it because it definitely was deflating.

One of the puddles inside our tent.

It started raining again, water was coming in, and we were pretty much lying on the ground. What a miserable night! Finally at 2am, we got up and slept (or tried to) the rest of the night in the car. What fun adventures we have:)

Our attempt to dry everything out.