Kadie the Sister Missionary!
She leaves this week to go to the MTC and we got to attend her farewell...or whatever they are called these days!
Watch out Ukraine! Kadie's comin'!
--After a couple months or so in Provo.
I made her a little book with our immediate family's pics (so she doesn't forget us) and our favorite scriptures and words of advice that we thought would help her. Good luck girl!
BELATED CHRISTMAS--The Mystery Gifts (that everyone guessed correctly who had them...that's never happened before). Thanks Mom & Riley for the gifts!
Kadie had her organ recital in the Logan Tabernacle. She did a great job! It was beautiful music!
We also got to go to the temple: Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, Kadie, Scott, & Kelsey.
We found a little time to go to Scott's old work for a tennis match:) Poor Scott...with his current job they don't have a really nice break room and competitive coworkers to play against.
We helped shovel snow since it snowed a few inches while we were there. We decided to have a little bit of fun after we finished...about midnight.
I am so glad you updated! It is so fun to see what is going on with you. You two look so happy. I am glad things are going well, and that I got to see you, even if it was for just a minute.